Selasa, 06 November 2007

Better Half

Quoted from: Now You Know. The Book of Answers:

Why does a man refer to his wife as his “better half”?

Most men call their wives their “better half” because they believe it,

but the expression comes from an ancient Middle Eastern legend.

When a Bedouin man had been sentenced to death, his wife pleaded

with the tribal leader that because they were married, she and her husband

had become one, and that to punish one-half of the union would

also punish the half who was innocent. The court agreed and the man’s

life was saved by his “better half.”


Minggu, 04 November 2007

Change of Taste

Have you ever noticed if your preferences and taste altered?

Maybe our taste & preferences are evolving or developing, and because it’s considerably a slow process, perhaps sometimes we’re not realizing it until we wander round on a totally different area from our past preferences.

For example:

“I’m not really fond of nasi liwet (coconut boiled rice, with chicken, egg foam and shredded pumpkin vegetable soup), I’m not really enjoy that cooking!”

And that statement above was my declaration in the old days

Nowadays my preference regarding it is quite different, I could have the third servings of nasi liwet and find it just as pleasing as the first one, in just one night (he3x pardon my big appetite)

Another example: I was a McLaren devoted fan since the beginning of their MP4 chassis era, but now I’m a delighted Ferrari supporter

Of course few things will still the same no matter where life’s journey bring us to

Just like how we value essential qualities in life, such as integrity, trustworthiness, respect and sort of things like that


PS. btw lately Dian Sastro looks more appealing to me than before on those telecommunication company billboards ad

(is it because she looks chubbier on those billboards? well in that case perhaps it’s not a change of taste then) he3x

Rabu, 03 Oktober 2007

15th Indocomtech 2007, 27th Indonesia Book Fair 2007

Start:     Nov 14, '07 09:00a
End:     Nov 18, '07
Location:     Hall A, Hall B, Cendrawasih Hall, Plennary Hall, Balai Sidang-JCC
Do you want to buy any computer related gadget & equipment?
such as: laptop, desktop, printer, active speaker, projector, etc?
then you could have a good bargain here
just be patient for a while ;-)

PS: @ the assembly hall & main lobby they'll have another exhibition:
the 27th Indonesia Book Fair!

Kamis, 27 September 2007

8 random things from me

I’ve been tagged by debluelover & cyndewi

So, these are 8 random facts/habits about me:

  1. Am a food enthusiast, could eat a lot without gaining much weight (well, I'll understand if you somewhat feel a bit envy towards this condition of me *wink2*)
  2. Height ± 180cm, weight ± 75kg
  3. Extremely loyal (yeah baby yeah!)
  4. An F1 fan
  5. A ‘certified’ booklover
  6. Sensitive (& maybe a bit touchy sometimes)
  7. Have great interest on human psyche & soul ;-)
  8. Really admire self-less people


I have to tag another 8 people? Okay

  1. Mary Elizabeth Winstead
  2. Julie Estelle
  3. Mariana Renata
  4. Katherine Heigl
  5. Elisha Cuthbert
  6. J.K. Rowling
  7. Oprah Winfrey
  8. Ana Ivanovic

But I’m not quite sure how to tag them though ;-D

Kamis, 20 September 2007

Mirror of Erised

Dear muggle friends,

If you want to know someone personally, then it is quite important that you should know what his or her dreams and desire.

In the magical world, there is one magical object that could reflecting your hearts’ desire, it’s:


The Mirror of Erised

(erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi)

(i show not your face but your hearts’ desire)


On this mirror Mr. Potter seeing his parents and his relatives smiling with him, and Mr. Ronald Weasley seeing himself as a head boy and quidditch captain holding a quidditch cup.

So dear muggle friends, what wisdom in the mirror of erised projection that we could synthesize?

Well perhaps quite a lot…

‘it shows nothing more or less than the deepest, most desperate desire of our hearts’ 

-- Professor Dumbledore--

Let’s examine the glimpse examples of the above:

Mr. Potter quite longed for a warm and loving family, as a child he never had the ‘luxury’ of having a normal loving family (that’s why Mrs. Weasley sometimes shed tears whenever she gazed at young and skinny Mr. Potter) 

And it shows in the aftermath that what really matters to Mr. Potter is what matter for his lovely family; he’s become a good family man.

In the second case Mr. Ronald Weasley is the youngest son of the notable Weasley   
family, his older brothers already marked accomplishments within their years in and after Hogwarts before him: Mr. William Weasley was a prefect & head boy and have a career at the Gringotts bank, Mr. Charlie Weasley was a champion quidditch team captain and has a natural expertise with magical creatures, Mr. Percy Weasley was also a prefect & head boy and a sharp Ministry employee, Mr. Fred & George Weasley were really good beaters at the quidditch field, brilliant inventors, cherished friends and also great businesspersons.

Perhaps Mr. Ronald Weasley like the idea to be acknowledged that he’s one of the great Weasleys, and not just the ordinary one that happened to befriend with the famous Mr. Potter (eventually Mr. Ronald Weasley live happily with his brainy family)

Did you notice that your dreams & desire could tell a lot about yourself?

What? You want to know my dreams & desire?

Hmmm… it’s a secret!

But maybe you could ask my wife and kids then, they know my dreams & desire as I know theirs as well 


Best regards,

Fellow human

Kamis, 13 September 2007

The Spark

Ah… another electronic gadget jammed!

the electrostatic discharge from my body jammed the tiny microchips again!

my victim list: Nokia 6210 jammed and survive, Sony Ericsson K750i jammed and wasted, Nokia 6233 jammed and survive, Pentax A30 jammed and still under repair

Have you ever jolted by a door handle? Or by metal railings?

Try rubbing your feet on a wool carpet then zap anyone with electrostatic discharge from your finger

All of us have some kind of electromagnetic field around our body, and in some particular circumstances this electric potential became unstable and releases or absorbs electrical currents to and from other objects

In some people (well maybe I’m one of them) this phenomenon are more intense

It’s our human electricity that occurred

So when you’re holding someone you love and she said ‘darling your touch is so electric to me…!’ don’t take it as 100% figurative, perhaps it’s also have some literal meaning he3x

Because maybe it’s also physics not just chemistry that happens between the opposite sexes


Minggu, 26 Agustus 2007

Strawberry Cheesecakes vs. Blueberry Cheesecakes

I find it difficult to really identified or pinpointing which cheesecake I like the most

Traditionally I prefer the blueberries better than the strawberries,
because I thought the strawberries are more sour than the blueberries
(but the strawberries are definitely more beautiful eh?)
then I decided to match them all at once this Sunday ;-)
the contenders're came from two well known & quite similar cake shops:
The Cheesecake Factory and The Harvest

4 of them are ready for the test:

I took the scoops carefully one by one sequentially

but after a second round of the scoops
I think I lost track there
of which taste belongs to which cheesecake :D

so at the end the verdict is....:
I still don't really know which cheesecake is my favourite!
I just love them all! :D
hmmm... what? you think it's not quite important?
(=iya yah ga penting banget dey! he3x)


Jumat, 24 Agustus 2007

Last Night's Dinner

Maybe attracted by the discount promotion from a credit card issuer
so I tried the menu that I never ordered before, but it's just so-so

I recall the chicken wings were quite tasty here, the chocolate thunder was so yummy, and they have ribs and rib-eye steaks with generous portions, also delightful vegetables sauce :-)


Kamis, 23 Agustus 2007

Today's Lunch

the sambal terasi (terasi/belacan chili paste) price here is higher
than the plain ice tea and plain white rice combined (both are refillable)

but it's really ok, & I think I'm really addicted to chili and its' derivatives ;-)


Kamis, 09 Agustus 2007


I had to see a doctor last Monday (for minor injury that gets a bit complicated caused by a ‘heroic’ self-operation cutting a papilla trunk from my wrist with a thread)

My doctor pre-examine the wound at the waiting couch (because she has three other patients at the examining rooms) then put a lotion over that wound and said ‘this is anesthetic lotion, it will numb your skin while I’m burning it to remove the remain of the papilla, and the longer it applied the better the anesthetic works’

Later in the examining room she gets her tool (the tool to burn my wound of course, what do you think?) and said that she’ll check my sensitivity first with that tool

But what do you know, after around 20 minutes that anesthetic lotion applied on my wound, I still could feel those electric sparkles zapping my skin

She’s concern with my sensitivity and immediately injects an ample of anesthetic solution on my wrist to double the numbing effect, then continue zapping my wound

But even after that I still could feel vaguely when those electric sparkles dancing on my burned skin

So at that point I’m convinced that I really am a sensitive type of person…



(Hmmm… as a sensitive person I think I could detect the slightest change of tone in someone’s mind without vividly realize what that person thinking anyway)

Bandar Djakarta

Seaside Seafood Restaurant inside Ancol resort & entertainment complex, North Jakarta

Last Tuesday while escorting our CROs team to Dunia Fantasi (Dufan, entertainment park also in Ancol) I managed to have lunch here

The strength of this restaurant is because it's on a seaside, with quite appealing 'fish market' feature, and 50% discount promotion from Monday to Thursday on particular items

For the taste or cost-value performance this restaurant would be considerably just nice but only an average seafood restaurant, a friend of mine would call it 'manis2 jambu', referring to a mountain apple fruit that not very sweet but makes you want more :-) (hmmm... what about 'manis2 jambu' girl then?)

Other potential contenders are: 212 @ Kelapa Gading (their cuisines have strong & spicy flavour, quite hot & inspiring), D'Cost @ Kemang (considerably not costly for a seafood restaurant with considerably good taste), Parit 9 @ Bandung (one of the best taste seafood, especially their crab delicacies)

Well, every cuisine has its own delight, so just enjoy it while you're there

food lover

btw seafood is commonly known for its natural aphrodisiac effects, so eat wisely ;-)


Rabu, 18 Juli 2007

Net Sains Indonesia
Indonesian site for popular knowledge & science enthusiast :-)

Magic for Muggles

Dear muggle friends,

In the wizarding world there are so many useful things that could help make our life a lot easier, in our muggle world we also could utilize those magic things by empowering our own potential capability, such as :


Muggle Patronus

Original use:

To repel dementors

Muggle use:

Could be use to dissipate bad spirits around you

How to:

Generate happy emotions in your mind & heart;

Focus on the excitement of those emotions

Then it’ll protect you in a gloom environment

If you’re powerful enough you could even beam your excitement to those around you


Muggle Legilimency

Original use:

To read someone’s mind

Muggle use:

To read someone’s mind & feel someone’s emotion

How to:

You need a very good listening skill

Gesture & Body language awareness

Understanding to voices tones & words context

Knowledge of how human mind works

Cultural & Social perceptiveness

(yea in the muggle world reading mind is much more complicated than in the wizarding world)

Focus on the subject you would like to know,

Examine the subject objectively, listen, read & feel cautiously,

But if you’re in doubt, you'd better ask for feedback from your subject of course!

(btw if you're able to read someone's mind doesn't necessarily that you'll agree with his/her thought, so please be wise & responsible when using this capabilities)


Muggle Occlumency

Original use:

To block someone reading your mind

Muggle use:

To block someone reading your mind

How to:

Play as cool as possible; don’t give a hint of your emotion to others

Btw: this kind of skill maybe useful in a poker game ;-)

Muggle Felix Felicis Potion

Original use:

To be extremely lucky

Muggle use:

To be lucky enough ;-)

How to:

Remember when Mr. Ronald Weasley believes that he drank a drop of felix felicis potion before a game of quidditch? Actually Mr. Potter didn’t put a single drop of that potion on Mr. Weasley’s goblet, but the effect was so powerfully convincing on Mr. Weasley’s performance that day


It demonstrates that our blessed human mind actually could accomplish something much more than just a mere placebo effect, if we really believe on something.


So if you thought that you’re a failure, then maybe you’re right

But if you thought that you’re a blessed lucky person, you probably right also

The choice is yours


So dear muggle friends, I hope you all could have a better understanding of yourself and your surroundings


“accio ……………!” (you could fill the dots with anything your heart desire)


Best regards,


Jumat, 06 Juli 2007

How different are we?

Similarity is good…

But being different is not necessarily bad thing though… 

When our ancient ancestors still dwelling in Africa, I imagine they’re pretty much the same one another, so we may presume their needs would be quite similar one another and much more simpler than our own today

A hunter-gatherer back then perhaps wouldn’t be so picky about the food-for-survival

Was it a piece of raw meat or an over ripe banana from a tree.

But today in our modern world, we’re facing quite overwhelming numbers of things offered to us

And luckily for some of us, life is not in just survival mode anymore

So we might developed unique taste and preferences about almost anything afterwards

The point is…

If I prefer ice chocolate smoothies rather than a cup of double espresso coffee, that doesn’t necessarily mean that I would hate someone that drinks coffee in front of me, we just have different taste and it’s very okay

We all are relatively different from each other…

For that reason, we sure need good attitude, faith and great deal of respect towards our differences…


PS: (Of course there are essential things that we’d be better if we're on the same standpoint) 


Jumat, 08 Juni 2007


Commanding officer: “report your condition soldier!”

Soldier: “sir yes sir! They can’t take that away from me sir!”

Commanding officer: “if I’m not mistaken, those that attempt to steal it are pretty & beautiful creatures?!”

Soldier: “they really are sir! Phew… they’re everywhere!”

Commanding officer: “so how come you could resist such temptation???”

Soldier: “ask permission to report sir!”

Commanding officer: “go on soldier!”

Soldier: “they can’t steal it sir!”

Commanding officer: “why? …”

Soldier: “because it’s been stolen long time ago”

Kamis, 24 Mei 2007

Captain Sparrow

Yo ho... yo ho...,

With a compass that doesn’t point north

Misunderstood by many

Discern by a few


Captain Jack Sparrow

Sure knows what he wants the most

Selasa, 15 Mei 2007

A Beautiful Soul

If an angel (or probably bunch of them) asks me

“Tell me little human,
if I’m about to assign a princess to pair
with you,
what your ultimate princess would be like?”

...Perhaps I’ll answer...
(Are you serious?

"Well, if you insist dear angel…"

"Maybe she’s pretty and beautiful..."
(But yet beauty is in the eye of the beholder
or sometimes the beer-holder

"Maybe she’s true and honest..."
(Hmmm yea… that would be nice)

"Maybe she’s caring & affectionate..."
(Wow… that would be great!)

"But the quality that I adore the most,
probably if..."

"She has a beautiful soul dear angel…"

Kamis, 10 Mei 2007

Nature & Nurture

We all got genetic heritage from our parents & ancestors, that shaping our form as human, it's our inborn qualities

Another important ingredient that shaping ourselves is how we've been raised, responsible to develop & mold our characteristic, personalities and inner qualities

Scientists are quite divided on this subject, regarding which one is more influential to make a person with their own unique characteristics.

Some experts say nature is more influential, but some other experts say that nurture is more significant to us

But we could say for sure that:

Nature (our genetic traits, our DNA blue prints)


Nurture (How we’re being raised, our friends, family, teachers, relatives, colleagues, community, environment, and surroundings)

Both have interlinked influence on us together

Although if I may say that if intentionally planned, nurture could develop optimal potential from a person's nature


noble intention

Selasa, 08 Mei 2007

Lend me your ears


A gift that anyone could appreciate…

Have you ever felt really welcomed and understood by somebody else?

If your answer is yes, then most likely that person is also a good listener

What so special about this simple yet complicated skill?

Listening is not automatically inborn in anybody; only a select few extraordinary people possess this skill naturally

For the bulk of ordinary people, they just overly pay attention to themselves much more than to their surroundings & environment, they can’t afford to share their attention and care to anything apart from themselves, that's a pity

We could make this world a lot better if we just simply improving our listening skill and really know what other people meant when they speak, it will reduce misunderstanding & prejudice, it will boost tolerance & cooperation, and it will strengthen love & companionship

There’re only few side effects when our listening skill improved, for instance because we’ll understand how other people think better, if anybody has malicious thinking or manipulative intention we’ll know right away so we probably will fell uneasy about that person intuitively.

But to listen better is no easy task; it’s an active condition

We need to

Focus and give attention when listening

Really interested when listening

Have an open mind to avoid selective or biased perception

Emotionally healthy

Be self-less (like a Jedi he3x)

Be true & honest


fellow listener

Kamis, 15 Maret 2007

Are you good enough?

Genre: Health, Mind & Body
Author:Bill McFarlan & Dr Alex Yellowlees
15 ways to build

a confident



This storytelling style self improvement book is quite lovely :-)

the setting environment is Britain

the two main characters in this book are:

she has a pretty & friendly face
with dark, wavy, shoulder-length hair and striking hazel eyes


with smile lines around his blue eyes he's a good executive and big fan of United Football Club (probably Manchester United, if it's made headlines in the newspaper)

When things seem to sway away from them, Lynn & Steve start to receive strange sms
that ask simple questions regarding their life

soon they start contemplating and look for honest answers to those simple questions

so they can regain fun & confident in their life

without worrying unnecessary things that got in their way before

Selasa, 13 Februari 2007

A Little Princess

…I was a little boy back then…

…it was a sunny day, and the grown-ups mind their
own problems…

…and there she was…

…a little princess…

…with pure heart…

…I’m sooo happy to see her that day…

…she also seem overjoyed to meet me…(he3x maybe
that’s just my biased opinion)

…for me, she’s like a divine being from another

…she shows me how to embrace life with… appreciation…
courage… joyfulness…

…(definitely she’s a Gryffindor girl, while I’m
just a peasant boy outside Hogwarts)…

…as kids with huge curiosity, we’re wondering about
things around us…

…she’s following my ‘wandering mind’ without

…she’s content and trying to makes me content too…

…well I was just an ordinary boy…but with her I
feel special that day…


PS. (Along the years I met some other
magnificent & wonderful princesses, but that’s another story…)

Rabu, 07 Februari 2007

Modified Sirloin Steak

Modified Sautéed Sirloin Steak

Another recipe from my “eat almost anything without complaining” college days (when we were young, skinny, & hungry) then modified to imaginary current condition:

Scenario I

Your condition:

It’s a bright Saturday morning, and your lovely wife asks for a quick steak, (she said: "it’s for our baby in my tummy sweetheart")

Your head says:

(is it just my eyes deceiving me or is she really looking more plump this morning?)

But you'll reply:

"Ok honey I’ll get the ingredients in a minute! Love you!..."

Then check your kitchen supplies first before going to the meat store...

You’ll need:

  • ± 180 grams of Australian/New Zealand/local sirloin/strip loin cuts
  • Salted Butter (SB)
  • Salt (S)
  • White Pepper (WP)
  • Grated Nutmeg (GN)
  • Chopped Onion (CO)
  • Tomato Ketchup (TK)
  • Crushed Basil Leaves (CBL)
  • Worcestershire Sauce (WS)
  • Mashed Potatoes (MP)
  • Sweet Corn (SC)
  • Maggi Seasoning Sauce (MSS)
  • Black Pepper (BP)
  • Chili Sauce (CS)

Preparing the Steak:

Smear the sirloin cuts with S, WP, GN, and strike gently with pestle; leave it for a while

Then ask for help from your lovely wife to prepare the MP and steam the SC (don’t forget to thank her and praise how beautiful she is, regardless of her condition, and give her a quick kiss)

Get a frying pan, melt the SB on top of it then sauté the steak for several minutes then turn the other side of the steak until it’s cooked

Preparing the Sauce:

Use the same pan, add more SB to sauté the CO, add TK, WS, MSS, CBL and a bit of plain water then pour it on top of the steak, then serve it with CS+MSS+BP

Scenario II

Your condition:

It’s Friday night and your lovely wife says that tonight you’ll sleep @ the living room...
because you’re not answering her call that afternoon, and she’s accusing that you pay too much attention to your flashy & sexy colleagues so you didn’t even realize her call

Your head says:

(Oh my dear God, can women think rationally?)

But you'll say:

"I’m sorry honey, I have unexpected meeting this whole afternoon, my mistake… I should’ve inform you before, how inconsiderate of me not to let you know beforehand..., ...let me cook you something to make it up..."


Prepare the Steak just like in Scenario I


Senin, 05 Februari 2007



…a very powerful substance…

…it’s romantic in the form
of rain…

…but destructive in the
form of flood…


Rabu, 31 Januari 2007

Obat Batuk Ibu & Anak

NIN JIOM PEI PA KOA (not sure what these words mean)

(‘Obat Batuk Ibu & Anak’, ‘Natural Herb, Loquat & Honey Extract’)

This season’s weather transition thing gets into my body, I felt a little sore, and a little blue (was it just me or was it the weather that makes my heart a little blue? I can’t really tell he3x…)

Then I recall my boss praising this ‘obat batuk ibu & anak’ several months ago and I still have it on my shelf, lucky me…

The directions @ the leaflet said to take one tablespoon three times a day for adults, but since I only got tiny teaspoon around my desk, I took 3 generous servings of it, then enjoying the sweet warm liquid soothing my throat (it’s said to mix the liquid into little warm water, but I just took the medicine then sips warm green tea instead)

I don’t really know was it because I ‘expect’ this medicine to be efficacious, but I do feel ‘good’ after taking the medicine (and sweating too)

The description @ the leaflet says that this medicine’s good for:

• Prevent loss of voice in people whose voice is their livelihood
• Promote general health and well being in the elderly
• Dryness of throat resulting from late-night or over-night working
• Get rid of coughs and colds more quickly
• Ensure the benefits of undisturbed night’s sleep
• Pimples caused by lung infections
• Poor digestion and stomach upsets caused by coughing and expectoration
• Dryness of the skin caused by lung infections
• Soreness and dryness of the throat
• Irritability caused by coughing and difficulty in breathing
• Prevent ill effects of coughing in young and old
• Relive indigestion and bad breath accompanying lung problems
• Prevent expectoration in babies
• Effects of excessive smoking and drinking
• Sleeplessness caused by coughing
• Debilitating coughing, and breathlessness in the elderly

Senin, 29 Januari 2007


We humans are
quite remarkable creatures; we could alter the course of our life with faith and

Now I’d like to discuss
tiny part about expectation that influenced our life:

Familiar with or ever
heard these expressions/things below?:

  • Pygmalion Effect (you could find it here)
  • Hawthorne Effect (here)
  • Galatea Effect (find it yourself at your local library or ask Professor Google he3x)
  • Placebo Effect (here)
  • Horoscope (here)
  • Fortune–telling (here)
  • Self-fulfilling Prophecy (here)

These are only few examples, things
that in my personal opinion could influence our expectations, sometimes it’s good
sometimes it’s not so good...

What I’m trying to say is whenever we’re facing expectation
from our own self or from others; we better put “faith for the best mentality”
in our hearts and add little wisdom in it to have the benefit from our ‘destiny’...

Then we’d appreciate
our life better…


PS. Sometimes miracles
do happen to us regardless of our expectations…, so be grateful for our blessed &
amazing life…

(the tarot image above is the wheel of fortune from classic Rider-Waite deck)

Sabtu, 20 Januari 2007


Another friend of mine brings this Dooley's bottle, she said it's a gift from one of her friends,
well since I'm Mr. Skeptical & have quite distinct taste (he3x) I didn't expect this funny colored liquor bottle would tempting my senses a lot

but after the first sip followed by another and another sips, I find this combination of toffee & vodka from Germany is so good! in fact I fell for it since the first sip ;-)

the sensation is smooth and yummy, not too sweet & not too dry, not too strong yet quite enchanting ;-)

and so I soon find out that Dooley's is a blend of pure, premium vodka, cream, and is infused with real, toffee caramel. It is 17% alcohol by volume

so it's a good companion for an easy evening with friends and warm conversations...

Jumat, 19 Januari 2007


Genre: Drama
@ first I was afraid I’d be petrified…(he3x…no… that’s not a song lyric)

A friend of mine insists to watch movie the other day, so I indifferently agree and casually asked what movie are we going to watch? Babel is the answer

Mmmm… Babel eh? since the movie won best picture at the Golden Globe Award recently, maybe I’ll give Mr. Pitt a chance, cause I don’t find Mr. Pitts’ movies entertaining so much... well… except for 'Mr. & Mrs. Smith', and that probably because Ms. Jolie effect that excites me he3x ;-)

That skeptical thought changes as I watch the movie

For some this movie would seem dull, as I asked several other friends of mine after seeing the movie & they don’t give it a praise, but for my ‘wondering’ mind the idea of the movie quite brilliant and intriguing, it depicted 'islands' & 'castaways' of social, culture, and even personal emotion in a simple way

If you find ‘Traffic’ and ‘Lost in Translation’ good then you probably will like this movie (and some say that Babel quite alike 21 Grams)

I think the title ‘Babel’ trying to extract meaning from the Tower of Babel story, which tells that human spread around the face of the earth since they can’t communicate with each other anymore

Be aware: spoiler warning! :-)
if you haven’t seen this movie, read my review below could spoil this movie novelty for you

The movie using simple things such as Winchester riffle which in some coincidentally ways connecting ‘cultural islands’ that quite differentiate from each other, also the film emphasizing different government officials that sometimes overreacting or performing cold blooded ‘by the book’ standard procedure to citizens,

But in my opinion the movie could utilize more power and synchronizations that make different scenes build up a single thorough big picture that consists of different unique mosaics, It could have been better (yea3x I know it's easier to said than done, I'm just giving opinion here)

Also noted by me, the movie illustrating human selfishness, carelessness, vulnerabilities, perception biases and limitations which happen in our daily life

Everybody have their own problems, each prioritizing their own matters for the sake of survivability... but it's for sure that everybody would crossing paths with each other.