Kamis, 13 September 2007

The Spark

Ah… another electronic gadget jammed!

the electrostatic discharge from my body jammed the tiny microchips again!

my victim list: Nokia 6210 jammed and survive, Sony Ericsson K750i jammed and wasted, Nokia 6233 jammed and survive, Pentax A30 jammed and still under repair

Have you ever jolted by a door handle? Or by metal railings?

Try rubbing your feet on a wool carpet then zap anyone with electrostatic discharge from your finger

All of us have some kind of electromagnetic field around our body, and in some particular circumstances this electric potential became unstable and releases or absorbs electrical currents to and from other objects

In some people (well maybe I’m one of them) this phenomenon are more intense

It’s our human electricity that occurred

So when you’re holding someone you love and she said ‘darling your touch is so electric to me…!’ don’t take it as 100% figurative, perhaps it’s also have some literal meaning he3x

Because maybe it’s also physics not just chemistry that happens between the opposite sexes


8 komentar:

  1. gue juga termasuk orang yg dibilang banyak mengandung "listrik"
    tiba2, jadi inget ama film "POWDER"
    kalo gak salah dia juga begitu kan....(correct me if i'm wrong)

  2. pake sendal karet biar ga kesetrum..


  3. he3x kalo lagi nyetrika kale pake sendal karet ;D

  4. nah ini.

    kadang klo lg belanja & pegang trolley yg besi pegangannya ga diplastikin,
    suka nyetrum gitu.
    kirain perasaan doang.........

  5. btw perasaannya lebih sensitif dari jarinya yah Vi??? :-p

  6. *jlebh* kyaaaa

    ulah sapa neh?
    over mas, sampe ke 6th sense x( huahahaha (katanya)
