Kamis, 20 September 2007

Mirror of Erised

Dear muggle friends,

If you want to know someone personally, then it is quite important that you should know what his or her dreams and desire.

In the magical world, there is one magical object that could reflecting your hearts’ desire, it’s:


The Mirror of Erised

(erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi)

(i show not your face but your hearts’ desire)


On this mirror Mr. Potter seeing his parents and his relatives smiling with him, and Mr. Ronald Weasley seeing himself as a head boy and quidditch captain holding a quidditch cup.

So dear muggle friends, what wisdom in the mirror of erised projection that we could synthesize?

Well perhaps quite a lot…

‘it shows nothing more or less than the deepest, most desperate desire of our hearts’ 

-- Professor Dumbledore--

Let’s examine the glimpse examples of the above:

Mr. Potter quite longed for a warm and loving family, as a child he never had the ‘luxury’ of having a normal loving family (that’s why Mrs. Weasley sometimes shed tears whenever she gazed at young and skinny Mr. Potter) 

And it shows in the aftermath that what really matters to Mr. Potter is what matter for his lovely family; he’s become a good family man.

In the second case Mr. Ronald Weasley is the youngest son of the notable Weasley   
family, his older brothers already marked accomplishments within their years in and after Hogwarts before him: Mr. William Weasley was a prefect & head boy and have a career at the Gringotts bank, Mr. Charlie Weasley was a champion quidditch team captain and has a natural expertise with magical creatures, Mr. Percy Weasley was also a prefect & head boy and a sharp Ministry employee, Mr. Fred & George Weasley were really good beaters at the quidditch field, brilliant inventors, cherished friends and also great businesspersons.

Perhaps Mr. Ronald Weasley like the idea to be acknowledged that he’s one of the great Weasleys, and not just the ordinary one that happened to befriend with the famous Mr. Potter (eventually Mr. Ronald Weasley live happily with his brainy family)

Did you notice that your dreams & desire could tell a lot about yourself?

What? You want to know my dreams & desire?

Hmmm… it’s a secret!

But maybe you could ask my wife and kids then, they know my dreams & desire as I know theirs as well 


Best regards,

Fellow human

7 komentar:

  1. guess his wife & kids will know it then...
    as he said he knows theirs as well
    yuk sambungin lagi...

  2. he3x if you care for someone
    then you'd know his or her dreams & desire naturally :-)

    and even sometimes could read his or her mind like an open book ;-)

  3. d'accord....with a sensitive sense. ;-p

