Rabu, 07 Februari 2007

Modified Sirloin Steak

Modified Sautéed Sirloin Steak

Another recipe from my “eat almost anything without complaining” college days (when we were young, skinny, & hungry) then modified to imaginary current condition:

Scenario I

Your condition:

It’s a bright Saturday morning, and your lovely wife asks for a quick steak, (she said: "it’s for our baby in my tummy sweetheart")

Your head says:

(is it just my eyes deceiving me or is she really looking more plump this morning?)

But you'll reply:

"Ok honey I’ll get the ingredients in a minute! Love you!..."

Then check your kitchen supplies first before going to the meat store...

You’ll need:

  • ± 180 grams of Australian/New Zealand/local sirloin/strip loin cuts
  • Salted Butter (SB)
  • Salt (S)
  • White Pepper (WP)
  • Grated Nutmeg (GN)
  • Chopped Onion (CO)
  • Tomato Ketchup (TK)
  • Crushed Basil Leaves (CBL)
  • Worcestershire Sauce (WS)
  • Mashed Potatoes (MP)
  • Sweet Corn (SC)
  • Maggi Seasoning Sauce (MSS)
  • Black Pepper (BP)
  • Chili Sauce (CS)

Preparing the Steak:

Smear the sirloin cuts with S, WP, GN, and strike gently with pestle; leave it for a while

Then ask for help from your lovely wife to prepare the MP and steam the SC (don’t forget to thank her and praise how beautiful she is, regardless of her condition, and give her a quick kiss)

Get a frying pan, melt the SB on top of it then sauté the steak for several minutes then turn the other side of the steak until it’s cooked

Preparing the Sauce:

Use the same pan, add more SB to sauté the CO, add TK, WS, MSS, CBL and a bit of plain water then pour it on top of the steak, then serve it with CS+MSS+BP

Scenario II

Your condition:

It’s Friday night and your lovely wife says that tonight you’ll sleep @ the living room...
because you’re not answering her call that afternoon, and she’s accusing that you pay too much attention to your flashy & sexy colleagues so you didn’t even realize her call

Your head says:

(Oh my dear God, can women think rationally?)

But you'll say:

"I’m sorry honey, I have unexpected meeting this whole afternoon, my mistake… I should’ve inform you before, how inconsiderate of me not to let you know beforehand..., ...let me cook you something to make it up..."


Prepare the Steak just like in Scenario I


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