Kamis, 10 Mei 2007

Nature & Nurture

We all got genetic heritage from our parents & ancestors, that shaping our form as human, it's our inborn qualities

Another important ingredient that shaping ourselves is how we've been raised, responsible to develop & mold our characteristic, personalities and inner qualities

Scientists are quite divided on this subject, regarding which one is more influential to make a person with their own unique characteristics.

Some experts say nature is more influential, but some other experts say that nurture is more significant to us

But we could say for sure that:

Nature (our genetic traits, our DNA blue prints)


Nurture (How we’re being raised, our friends, family, teachers, relatives, colleagues, community, environment, and surroundings)

Both have interlinked influence on us together

Although if I may say that if intentionally planned, nurture could develop optimal potential from a person's nature


noble intention

9 komentar:

  1. jadi cerewetku ini nature atau nurture?? hmm..

  2. hmmm...interesting subject...

    I may say that perhaps you already had that 'quality' by nature and 'coincidentally' nurtured by your surroundings :-)

    developed on both sides he3x

  3. mmhhh numpang lewat mas, trus gimana klo terdapat penyimpangan nature hsl ketidakjelasan nurture. hippsss. bingung juga...(mo nanya apasih?)

  4. Hai :-)

    well if someone nature quality suppressed by his/her surroundings, then maybe he/she won't be able to develop that quality as good as it could be

  5. hihihi any idea how to solve that? sure things the balance of those both. yeah well. ok d mas.

  6. waduh...bentar lagi ada yg curhat nih. pisss bante ;D

  7. hih semban kaki duyung kan cuma mampir iseng konsul sama yg punya opini. weeekkk!!! (maap mas make' blognya buat nge-bales).

  8. woy pulang woy..blog orang ni ;P

  9. well my 'counseling couch' is still vacant he3x :-)
