Selasa, 25 Maret 2008

The Frog Institute

Once upon a time in a land far-far away there is a wonderful kingdom with its princes and princesses

Young princes in this kingdom go to Higher Education for Young Princes, or better known as TFI (=The Frog Institute)

They learn to understand themselves and their surroundings at the institute…

T (=Teacher): “all right class gather up, today we’re going to discuss about Cinderella”

T: as we all know that she really is a good person, but now we’re going to analyze why Cinderella with her unparalleled goodness and sweet temper suddenly left the prince at the ball…, any opinion young princes?

P (=Prince) 1: “maybe she forgot to put out her stove fire at home?”

P2: “perhaps she has unbearable PMS (=premenstrual syndrome) and has to go?”

P3: “perhaps she’s not really Cinderella but a stand in???”

T:  “hmmm… actually the fairy godmother has clearly told Cinderella that she has to be back home before midnight, everything will be back to the original condition at midnight, and because she was wearing torn gown when the spell was casted by the fairy godmother, naturally she won’t like being seen by the prince with that torn gown so she ran away right before midnight”

T: “next question, why she drop a glass slipper at the palace staircase?”

P1: “perhaps she thinks that she still growing so she wears size 38 instead of size 37?”

P2: “perhaps she wants to drop both slippers but just could manage one?”

T: “well that’s what we called a twist of luck, so the prince could trails Cinderella later on with that glass slipper”

P1: “o respectful teacher, why doesn’t Cinderella just simply came back to the prince the next morning?”

T: “yes that would simplify things my young prince, but sometimes life’s just so simple and easy yet sometimes it’s quite a bit complicated, just be grateful with yours”

P2: “regarding complicated o reverent teacher why in this institute we have to temporarily shape shifted into frogs?

T: "ah good question young prince! when in the temporary form of frog you’ll have the chance to see the world from a really different perspective, you’ll understand how it likes to be an insignificant and vulnerable frog"

T: "it also could benefit you when you met a princess"

T: "if by any chance you met a wonderful princess while you’re in disguised form as a frog and thankfully she could accept you unconditionally, then you’ll know that she must be a really good person that would embrace you with happiness and delight no matter what young prince"

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