Rabu, 16 Januari 2008

Good Wishes

Thank you very much for the love and affection shown to me, I’m flattered, from four corners of the globe, friends, family, relatives, bosses, colleagues they all wish me a happy birthday today, it’s really wonderful.

A few things are quite different this year, for instance some of the prayers and wishes seem a bit different than usual.

After good wishes to a healthy and long life, some of them also wish that I’m getting what I wish for, they give their faith in me to wish what is best for me, that's nice.

Thank you very much again folks for the good and wonderful wishes for me, I really appreciate it.

12 komentar:

  1. sekali lagi
    selamat hari burung........

    pesan sponsor: jangan kebanyakan milih... keburu busuk ntar
    hehehhe.. peace man!

  2. iyah jangan kebanyakan milih selamat ulang tahun yah mas...

  3. once again, wishing u a very happy birthday, Yong...

  4. terima kasih man, he3x abis gimana yah takut salah iket nih, life definitely is a journey but we could wish to have a good one right? :-)

  5. thanks Put :-), hmmm... ok diusahakan sih he3x

  6. Terima kasih sekali Sulis, all the best for you! :-)

  7. you could, but think in other side please.....

  8. I will, it takes two to tango, perhaps my side isn't the best, but I just wish she feels content with that :-)

  9. gw lupa quote dari siapa, tapi bunyinya :
    tidak ada orang yang sempurna, tapi kita bisa menyempurnakan dengan saling memberikan masukkan ke pasangan masing-masing
    aduh bahasa gw ya...????

  10. there's no limit on thirst for perfection, but if she feels content with me in my human limitation then it's quite a wonderful journey then

  11. happy belated birthday! hehe... more things going your way this year ya..

  12. thank you very much Tria...
    & please give my regards to your lovely family :-)
