Kamis, 14 Agustus 2008

The End of Metabolism Immortality

Dear friends, do you ever have something to be grateful about, but gradually it’s changing until one day it’s quite different?

I got several, but let me tell you one this time.

Not that I’m complaining though, but my glory days of eat like a hungry bear and not gaining weight is over

Friends and colleagues has point it out in two different approaches, as these examples below:

  1. The direct and without euphemism whatsoever approach:
    Iyong you’re so fat! (yes it’s quite direct and clear) with amazed look and widened eyes plus big grin (well I wonder why  most people and especially women tend to grin when they see me lately, hmmm…)
  1. The courteous approach:
    Mr. Iyong the food is start emerging and traceable in your appearance (plus a polite smile)

Actually I appreciate their concern about me

Thank you dear friends, I know that your intentions is for me to be healthy and happy

And I’m agree with you, from now it’s better for me to take an evasive action, for I’ll only take no more than two heavy meals each night (hmmm… yeah I think it’s quite enough for the time being)

Unintentionally this occurrence helps me understand why many people always make a fuss and anxious about their weight, now I could imagine better on how they felt when somebody comments on their body mass.

Not so very long ago I’m always considerably the skinny one in every group that I’m in, so it’s like a u-turn when I’m a bit chubby these days.

Hmmm… I think I should learn how to write poetry now, can’t count on my underfed look anymore to attract girls  hehehe...