Selasa, 06 November 2007

Better Half

Quoted from: Now You Know. The Book of Answers:

Why does a man refer to his wife as his “better half”?

Most men call their wives their “better half” because they believe it,

but the expression comes from an ancient Middle Eastern legend.

When a Bedouin man had been sentenced to death, his wife pleaded

with the tribal leader that because they were married, she and her husband

had become one, and that to punish one-half of the union would

also punish the half who was innocent. The court agreed and the man’s

life was saved by his “better half.”


Minggu, 04 November 2007

Change of Taste

Have you ever noticed if your preferences and taste altered?

Maybe our taste & preferences are evolving or developing, and because it’s considerably a slow process, perhaps sometimes we’re not realizing it until we wander round on a totally different area from our past preferences.

For example:

“I’m not really fond of nasi liwet (coconut boiled rice, with chicken, egg foam and shredded pumpkin vegetable soup), I’m not really enjoy that cooking!”

And that statement above was my declaration in the old days

Nowadays my preference regarding it is quite different, I could have the third servings of nasi liwet and find it just as pleasing as the first one, in just one night (he3x pardon my big appetite)

Another example: I was a McLaren devoted fan since the beginning of their MP4 chassis era, but now I’m a delighted Ferrari supporter

Of course few things will still the same no matter where life’s journey bring us to

Just like how we value essential qualities in life, such as integrity, trustworthiness, respect and sort of things like that


PS. btw lately Dian Sastro looks more appealing to me than before on those telecommunication company billboards ad

(is it because she looks chubbier on those billboards? well in that case perhaps it’s not a change of taste then) he3x