Rabu, 18 Juli 2007

Net Sains Indonesia

Indonesian site for popular knowledge & science enthusiast :-)

Magic for Muggles

Dear muggle friends,

In the wizarding world there are so many useful things that could help make our life a lot easier, in our muggle world we also could utilize those magic things by empowering our own potential capability, such as :


Muggle Patronus

Original use:

To repel dementors

Muggle use:

Could be use to dissipate bad spirits around you

How to:

Generate happy emotions in your mind & heart;

Focus on the excitement of those emotions

Then it’ll protect you in a gloom environment

If you’re powerful enough you could even beam your excitement to those around you


Muggle Legilimency

Original use:

To read someone’s mind

Muggle use:

To read someone’s mind & feel someone’s emotion

How to:

You need a very good listening skill

Gesture & Body language awareness

Understanding to voices tones & words context

Knowledge of how human mind works

Cultural & Social perceptiveness

(yea in the muggle world reading mind is much more complicated than in the wizarding world)

Focus on the subject you would like to know,

Examine the subject objectively, listen, read & feel cautiously,

But if you’re in doubt, you'd better ask for feedback from your subject of course!

(btw if you're able to read someone's mind doesn't necessarily that you'll agree with his/her thought, so please be wise & responsible when using this capabilities)


Muggle Occlumency

Original use:

To block someone reading your mind

Muggle use:

To block someone reading your mind

How to:

Play as cool as possible; don’t give a hint of your emotion to others

Btw: this kind of skill maybe useful in a poker game ;-)

Muggle Felix Felicis Potion

Original use:

To be extremely lucky

Muggle use:

To be lucky enough ;-)

How to:

Remember when Mr. Ronald Weasley believes that he drank a drop of felix felicis potion before a game of quidditch? Actually Mr. Potter didn’t put a single drop of that potion on Mr. Weasley’s goblet, but the effect was so powerfully convincing on Mr. Weasley’s performance that day


It demonstrates that our blessed human mind actually could accomplish something much more than just a mere placebo effect, if we really believe on something.


So if you thought that you’re a failure, then maybe you’re right

But if you thought that you’re a blessed lucky person, you probably right also

The choice is yours


So dear muggle friends, I hope you all could have a better understanding of yourself and your surroundings


“accio ……………!” (you could fill the dots with anything your heart desire)


Best regards,


Jumat, 06 Juli 2007

How different are we?

Similarity is good…

But being different is not necessarily bad thing though… 

When our ancient ancestors still dwelling in Africa, I imagine they’re pretty much the same one another, so we may presume their needs would be quite similar one another and much more simpler than our own today

A hunter-gatherer back then perhaps wouldn’t be so picky about the food-for-survival

Was it a piece of raw meat or an over ripe banana from a tree.

But today in our modern world, we’re facing quite overwhelming numbers of things offered to us

And luckily for some of us, life is not in just survival mode anymore

So we might developed unique taste and preferences about almost anything afterwards

The point is…

If I prefer ice chocolate smoothies rather than a cup of double espresso coffee, that doesn’t necessarily mean that I would hate someone that drinks coffee in front of me, we just have different taste and it’s very okay

We all are relatively different from each other…

For that reason, we sure need good attitude, faith and great deal of respect towards our differences…


PS: (Of course there are essential things that we’d be better if we're on the same standpoint)